WE ARE SOCIAL’S PERSPECTIVE: E-COMMERCE IN 2019 The promise of social commerce is now becoming more mature, with native functionality and a supportive ecosystem, boosted by opportunities with influencers and messaging. ENHANCED PLATFORM MATURING INFLUENCER MESSAGING CAPABILITIES ECOSYSTEM IMPACT MATTERS The major platforms have enhanced Shoppable platform innovations Influencers have a growing impact on Messaging apps facilitate sales their ‘native’ social-commerce will grab headlines, yet the evolving purchase decisions, with top categories in a conversational setting, with capabilities as the tech giants ecosystem of tools is just as important. being clothing, shoes, food & drinks, AI providing scalability, and compete to become gateways to These streamline and optimise the and cosmetics. Expect more brand eventually a move to voice- a new kind of retail experience. path from platform to purchase on collaborations and an acceleration controlled purchase. The Expect new ways to discover, trial brand websites, reducing friction for of the trend for influencers to build next phase will be adding and recommend products and business owners and the consumer, their own virtual shops. We are still this feature to group chats in services across categories. especially for more complex products. a long way from peak influence. ‘dark social’ environments. Download our Think Forward report and dive into these trends and more. 207

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