HOOTSUITE’S PERSPECTIVE: INTERNET THEMES Consumers are spending more time online. But in 2018, we saw consumers worry about the impact of these activities on their digital well-being. PASSIVE CONTENT CONSUMPTION RETREAT TO PRIVATE SPACES RENEWING CUSTOMER COMMUNITIES In early 2018, Facebook rolled out To escape noisy news feeds, consumers have Facebook’s shift towards content that creates mean- algorithm updates. These updates limited flocked to private digital spaces like Stories, ingful connections rather than passive consumption viral videos and ‘other public content’ Facebook Groups, and messaging apps. As is a loud warning to brands. We need to work hard- as they worried this passive media brands (and ads) follow them, brands risk being er to create content that’s important, interesting, and consumption would damage people’s well- ignored if they fail to deliver personalized timely to build deeper customer relationships, rather being and impact long-term user retention. content that connects on a human level. than filling endless content calendars. Click here to watch advanced videos from Hootsuite’s Future of Social series including sessions by Simon Kemp and Hootsuite CMO Penny Wilson. 61

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