NOTES ON DATA SOURCES POPULATION & DEMOGRAPHICS: United reported in Facebook’s self-serve advertising tools. SOCIAL MEDIA BEHAVIOURS: Time spent on Nations World Population Prospects, 2017 Revision; Internet connection speed data from Ookla Speedtest social media from GlobalWebIndex (Q2 & Q3 US Census Bureau (accessed January 2019); United (December 2018). Time spent on the internet from 2018)*. Facebook reach and engagement data from Nations World Urbanization Prospects, 2018 Revision. GlobalWebIndex (Q2 & Q3 2018)*. World’s top Locowise (Q4 2018). websites from SimilarWeb (December 2018) and LITERACY RATES: UNESCO Institute for Statistics; Alexa (30 days to 16 January 2019). Google search MOBILE USERS & CONNECTIONS: GSMA UNICEF Data; World Bank DataBank; Pew Research; insights from Google Trends (data for full year 2018). Intelligence (January 2019); Ericsson Mobility Report Ethnologue; IndexMundi; CIA World Factbook; Data on use of voice search and ad blockers from (November 2018); Ericsson Mobility Calculator and Phrasebase (all accessed January 2019). GlobalWebIndex (Q2 & Q3 2018)*. Privacy concern Visualizer tools (accessed January 2019); insights from Statista Global Consumer Survey 2018. GDP & FINANCIAL INCLUSION DATA: World Content streaming insights from GlobalWebIndex MOBILE APPS: App Annie (January 2019); Bank DataBank; IMF Data; CIA World Factbook (all (Q2 & Q3 2018)*. Internet use frequency data from SimilarWeb (January 2019). accessed January 2019). Global Consumer Barometer (accessed January 2018) E-COMMERCE USERS & SPEND: Statista Digital DEVICE USAGE: Google Consumer Barometer SOCIAL MEDIA USERS: Company earnings Market Outlook (e-Commerce, e-Travel, and digital (accessed January 2018). Note that data has not been announcements; press releases; remarks by senior media industry reports) (accessed January 2019). updated in the past 12 months. platform executives at public events; statements on GlobalWebIndex (Q2 & Q3 2018)*; Worldpay company websites; reports in reputable media. Top Global Payments Report (November 2018). INTERNET USERS: InternetWorldStats; ITU Statistics; messenger platforms from SimilarWeb (December World Bank DataBank; CIA World Factbook; Eurostat 2018). *METHODOLOGY NOTE: GlobalWebIndex Data Explorer; Facebook’s self-serve advertising conducts a quarterly survey of a panel of 22 million tools; Techrasa;; local government SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING AUDIENCES: data internet users across 45 countries around the world, authorities and telecom regulatory bodies; reports in extracted from each platform’s self-serve advertising representing 90% of the world’s total internet users. For reputable media (all accessed January 2019). Mobile tools (January 2019 and October 2018). Many data full details of the company’s methodology, please visit Internet share based on data from GlobalWebIndex points involve further extrapolations of this data. (Q2 & Q3 2018)*, and extrapolations of data

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